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I was at long last able to bring you the final volume of Tsukumodo Antique Shop.

Seven volumes, and twenty eight stories—I’m relieved that I was able to get so far without any problems. Three and a half years have passed since the first volume was published in 2006.

Seven volumes over three years may be on the slower side, but I’d like to thank you for keeping at it and sticking with me until the end.

Tokiya, Saki, and Towako along with all the other characters also kept at it, and their accomplishments  exceeded even this author’s expectations. This is especially true for volume, where he came up with a solution that was totally different from what I had originally envisioned.

For Tokiya it really was an audacious move (laugh).

But as an author, there’s no greater joy than seeing a story unfold where your characters far exceed any plans you had for them.

It wasn’t always easy, but those are the moments that make me never want to quit writing.

Speaking of going down memory lane, it really feels like a miracle that this story could be born.

This was a story created from Relic powers that I dreamed up. A story in which I thought of the Relics before the actual plot. A story with elements based on common sayings and idioms. A story I had to think up all for the final volume. A story of the feelings that Tokiya needed to convey to Saki. This was a story about many things.

If even one of these elements had been missing, it wouldn’t have been Tsukumodo Antique Shop.

By the way, the original plan didn’t include having four chapters per volume, but since it ended up that way, readers got a chance to become strongly attached to the two protagonists.

I believe that everyone was able to follow the path they took through the story, and the choice they made at the end.

This will be the last time I get to say thanks.

I was only able to make it this far because of everyone’s support.

I want to thank Takabayashi-san who always took good care of me.

And Takeshima Satoshi whose illustrations gave color to the story until the very end.

And all of the people who worked tirelessly to bring this book to publication.

And the many readers of Tsukumodo Antique Shop, and everyone who filled out surveys and sent fan letters, and everyone who put reviews and supportive comments on websites.

It was thanks to you all that I was able to make it this far.

This final volume of Tsukumodo Antique Shop is the my milestone tenth book as an author, that both deeply moves me and motivates me to do my best going forward.

Truly, thank you all so much for your support.

It is now time for Tsukumodo Antique Shop to close its doors.

– Odou Akihiko

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4 thoughts on “Afterword

  1. Wow… What a journey… and what a story…
    This is a very good book series…
    A new plot every chapter and a very thematic ending to finish it off…
    I had a ton of fun reading this series…
    I want to thank the entire translation team, the author and all of the staff involved in the making of this book…
    What a wonderful experience…
    and once again…
    Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was wondering if you were perhaps going to make an epub or pdf for the final 2 volumes of the Tsukumodo Antique shop? I am just curious here. Thank you as always for translating.


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